Thursday, February 09, 2006

Laying eyes

Our doctor is sending us for an ultrasound so that we can accurately date the baby, which is easier done earlier rather then later. Most of the books I've seen say that the ultrasound usually happens at 18 weeks, instead we're going Friday the 17, in just over a week from today. I wasn't expecting the chance to see our baby so quickly, I'm really excited. Although I am a little worried that I won't "get" the ultrasound, whenever I see those pictures on TV or whatever I can never figure out the image. I can never seen the baby.

2 hours before the ultrasound you must have COMPLETED drinking 4 (8 ounce) cups of water, and there will be no relieving of the bladder. Like are they aware that I'm pregnant? Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's exciting. I had a dream last week that you had twins, it was wild. Maybe you should scope out the bathroom locations before you go in, so that when you leave you make a bee-line for the nearest restroom. Don't forget to post and let us know how it goes,


(p.s Will Julian be sending out our T4's? I need to have it at some point for my student loan,)