Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Baby Makes Three

So we've had the ultrasound and my first real appointment with the doctor. The ultrasound was an amazing experience. Suddenly there's the baby, with it's furiously beating heart which we could see, like a flickering of light on the screen. I suddenly thought 'there really is someone in there, I can see him.'

I can certainly feel that something is happening to my body, but I want the process to speed up so that I can feel the baby there. I want to feel the kicks and the squirming, I want to look like I'm pregnant so that I can rub my belly and cradle our child with not just my womb, but my hand as well.

Despite wanting to speed everything up, we're actually taking a step back. According to the ultrasound I'm actually due Sept 28th instead of the 18th. Which means I'm at nine weeks, again. Which is also a delay on when I thought I'd be reaching second trimester which is generally a physically kinder period in the pregnancy.

I did get to hear our baby's heart beating during the doctors appointment, which was a welcome surprise as usually it can't be heard until at least the 10th week.

It's so awe inspiring to be a part of creating someone. It is such a extraordinary event, but one that is so ordinary. There are a lot of parents out there, but it is so evidently such a special and blessed event. This is truly a gift from God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be sure to let us know how Mum and Baby are doing after your next appointment.